Many people believe that heat can defeat various harmful germs, whether it be food or drinking water. If cooked at high heat or boiled before eating, it will not harm the body at all. This is not a wrong belief, but it may not be all. When something we heat, such as water in a kettle, is heated repeatedly without changing the water in the kettle, the water that we think is clean and safe can actually harm the body if drunk.

Because the “water” that we drink and eat nowadays is often mixed with various minerals. If it is boiled and boiled again many times. It will cause the water to evaporate into vapor according to normal theory. But it will not evaporate all. In the remaining water, there will be a higher concentration of various minerals mixed in. And importantly, it will exceed the standard for consumption.
The reaction that occurs when water is boiled for a long time will cause the silver nitrate ions in the water to change into silver nitrite. Which is a substance that is harmful to the โปรโมชั่น ufabet body. Causing irritation to the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, and may damage the lungs. As well as the eyes, nerves, and blood. In addition, other minerals will increase in quantity due to water evaporation, which may exceed the body’s ability to eliminate and excrete as waste.
Regarding this matter, Dr. Krisada Chirambut, Director of the International Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine, stated that coffee drinkers and those who use hot water jugs should be careful because if the water you use to boil it is natural water. Such as groundwater, well water, or tap water that is acidic in a metal pot, then boiling it multiple times will cause the water to become more concentrated and form hard lumps that stick to the surface of the kettle or hot water jug, or what is called scale, which will fall into the water more. Also, “mineral water” that the wealthy like to drink. Because they think it is clean must be careful because boiling it for a long time will also result in scale.
Therefore, you should not drink water that has been boiled many times. It is best to boil the water each time just enough for drinking, and you need to change the water every time you need to boil it again. For kettles used for brewing coffee. You should not keep the kettle boiling all the time, because this may cause metal to corrode and mix in. Open the lid often and check. If you see any scale, you should wash the kettle immediately.
This way, the heat will definitely not be able to bring foreign substances that are harmful to the body and harm our health.
What is scale?
Scale is a solid element that adheres to the surface of a device that is hot. Normally, these elements dissolve in water. When passing through the surface of a device that is hot. It changes state and forms a solid bond on the surface of the device, forming a solid scale. Scale can be classified into several types, such as calcium scale (limestone), iron rust scale, salt scale, etc.
Information from the Pollution Control Department
The Pollution Control Department stated that silver ions are toxic to aquatic life, bacteria, and nitrate can be a factor in causing water to lack oxygen, which is harmful to drinking water and fish. It has the IUPAC chemical name: Silver nitrate.